Mujer kativa

Natural ingredients and benefits for our hair

Why use products that have natural ingredients in our hair? For many reasons, but today we will share a few specific benefits for your hair.

Why use products that have natural ingredients in our hair? For many reasons, but today we will share a few specific benefits for your hair...

Hair products based on natural ingredients help us getting rid of a dry scalp, and also help our hair not to lose strength. This is mainly because of the amount of nutrients they usually have. Therefore, it helps us fight 2 common problems: hair loss and dandruff.

"The best of all is that these types of products also take care of our skin! "

On the other hand, as there is no need to add chemicals, natural ingredients add shine and a lot of silkiness to the hair. They keep it healthy, removing the impurities from the scalp and excess oil. 

The best of all is that these types of products also take care of our skin! As they do not have artificial additives we will not have irritation, allergies and other negative reactions.

Many people recommend not washing your hair because of the amount of chemicals that shampoo and conditioner usually have, but with Kativa, that will no longer be a problem. With more than 91% ingredients of natural origin and with inputs of organic origin, you don’t have to worry!